Our Services



Funding – Debt/Equity

  • Business Plan / Project Report preparation
  • Capital Structuring and syndication based on the Funding requirement, through Private Equity, Venture Capitalists, or High Net Worth Individuals.
  • Loan syndication – Fund/ Non-Fund based funding from Banks and Institutions
  • IPO/Placement planning
  • Convertible Notes
  • Non-Convertible Debentures


Acquisitions/ Divestments

We along with our partners have extensive experience of managing acquisitions & divestments including open offers. We offer a single window for compliance with HKEX guidelines for takeovers by companies desirous of acquiring management/equity control of listed companies including conducting the Due Diligence and providing support during the bidding process.

Entry Strategy Into Asia

We enable companies from the abroad, namely the US, Europe, Middle East and Australia to establish a foothold or expand their operations in Asia by providing a range of on the ground support and representative office functions from our office in Hong Kong. We:

  • Assist in evaluating the local market and in determining an appropriate entry strategy.
  • Arrange meetings between key local contacts and visiting senior management
  • Assist in conducting a location analysis and selection
  • Identify and negotiate with potential acquisition targets, strategic partners, outsourcing partners, distributors and re-sellers.
  • Assist with recruitment of the core team.
  • Advise and Assist in getting Regulatory / Government Approvals


Financial Structuring & Restructuring

Financial structuring and re-structuring of companies is one of Nobel International’s expertise areas. Our Team has extensive experience and wide ranging contacts that can be effectively leveraged for our clients

  • Assist in transferring or shifting short term loans to medium to long term credit facilities.
  • Long term capital and / or institutional investor searches when and where necessary have been successfully executed by us.
  • Debt Restructuring
  • Turnaround strategy formulation


Securities Laws

Advising on capital market, Takeover Code, Guidelines, compliance and audit of various rules, regulations and guidelines issued there under.

  • Listing and delisting of shares on Stock Exchanges throughout Asia and assisting in the compliance of disclosures as per the listing agreements and certifications as required therein.
  • Advising and assisting the companies in preferential allotment of shares/warrants, Private Placement, preparation and vetting of offer documents etc.


Taxation Services

  • Tax advisories on mergers, amalgamations and business restructuring.
  • Corporate Tax planning.
  • Advising on International Tax structuring and Transfer Pricing Laws
  • Handling of tax compliances including Income Tax, VAT & Service Tax.
  • Preparation and filing of various tax returns.
  • Representing the company before various tax authorities and handling appeals.


Intellectual Property Rights

The world today is driven by knowledge. A Corporate needs to ensure the protection of its own Intellectual Property Rights as well as make sure that it does not infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of others. We can help you by:

  • Advising and providing services for registration of trademarks, copyright, patents and design under their respective Acts.
  • Advising on passing off/infringement matters


Legal Petitions

We have been assisting our clients in respect of drafting various petitions, including drafting and filing, before the Lands Tribunal, Labour Tribunal, Small Claims Tribunal, Obscene Articles Tribunal, Company Law Board, Magistrates Courts, District Courts, High Court and the Court of Final appeal.

Strategic Alliances/ Joint Ventures

We believe that while companies announce “strategic alliances” daily, much lack “alliance strategies”.  The difference is more than semantic – an alliance lacking strategy is doomed.  A coherent alliance strategy has four elements:

  • A business strategy to shape the logic and design of alliances.
  • A dynamic view to guide the management of each alliance.
  • A portfolio approach to enable co-ordination among alliances.
  • An internal infrastructure to maximize the value of collaboration.